Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day 12 - Once again, slightly exhausted

September 18, 2008
I feel as though I'm learning so much at my new job that I'm just brain dead by the end of the day. I sit around like a zombie. Anyway, needless to say, i did do some weight work last night....not much, but some. Well, how about this, enough to make it seem like i did something yesterday. Tonight is busy, and then this weekend my mom is going to be in town. I know I may fall of the train just a bit with her staying with me... but mentally I will be so annoyed I cant' give three hours to it anymore. Next week, Its on! OH! and Gold's Gym monthly fee is $20! $20! Heck ya! so, when I get paid again, I'm going to get myself signed up for that. That way I can have something more reliable than the bow flex, cause who knows when we will be done with the boat. (sorry bout the pic, didn't realize how blurry it was) Anyway, talk later bloggers! Also, I already have a decent idea of what I'm going to eat today, I've had 1 liter of water thus far, a clif bar, an energy, a ham and swiss sandwich, and later a clif bar, and a taco salad. I might have a drink or two though (going to happy hour with a friend)....will work out immediately after that, and then Mom's here! Okay, sweet guys! talk soon.

1 comment:

juli gets happy said...

great how you stick to your program.:-)