Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Day 11 - Err.... Feelin it from the day before....

September 17, 2008
Not feeling the soreness, but the tiredness of getting only 4hours of sleep. Needless to say, I did probably like 15 minutes of upper body weight lifting and called it a night. Because of this stint in working out, I plan to make up for it double time tonight. I am tired, but plan to leave a little bit early from work to go take a nap. However, I am fairly satisfied with this picture...

By the way, it seems as though you are supposed to keep a diary of what you eat. Well, for the record, I drink a lot of water, have 2-3 energy drinks a day (varying in brand and sugar-free or not sugar-free) two cliff bars a day, and for lunch either a panini, salad, or pasta. For dinner, (thankfully my step mom owns a korean restaurant) I have a small bit of food from her. Enough to keep me feeling like I'm not starving at the end of the night right before I go to bed. I'll start to keep a more up to date schedule of eating and when I eat. Then maybe that way I can control it better. Hope to talk to you guys soon! Thanks for the encouragement and checking me out! :D


juli gets happy said...

4 hours of sleep...this leaves some room for improvement.



Ron said...

Hi Jessie,

Make sure you get enough sleep. Your body needs it to recover from the workouts you do, and also keeps your fat-burning hormones flowing.

JMoney546 said...

Generally I get around 6-8hrs a night. I'm pretty sure that is within the "healthy" range for sleep? Anyway, yeah, I appreciate the check there. Like I said, I was just so energized after I got done working out that night I wasn't tired at all. And from past experiences, if I am still the slightest bit away when trying to fall asleep.... it takes me about 2hrs of lying in my bed before I actually doze off....its terrible.

JMoney546 said...

Awake, not away.... ha