Monday, October 6, 2008

Status Update

So, I haven't been at a computer pretty much for three days now. I am in the process of finding a second job so that I can pay for personal training. Considering openning a bar, or finding a job elsewhere. Really need to get with a trainer to get some real progress going. I don't feel as though I'm doing well enough on my own. And believe me, I still do the same working out. But I had a session, orientation session on Thursday and I was still feeling it yesterday (Sunday) when I woke up. Clearly the workout I can have with a trainer does more for my body than what I do. And here I was thinking that I was doing the same thing I would be doing with a trainer!!! Anyway. I've been at the gym 4-5 days a week so far. Unfortunately 4 days last week. I tried to go on Saturday. Got to the gym around 8:15, but when I walked to the entrance, the gate was down.... the gym closes at 8 on Saturdays and Sundays!!! Oh well. Now I know for future reference. I have been so absorbed with work that when I get here I don't think about blogging. Down to the end of project and getting everything ready to submit to the city.... busy time. Once I get this project out of the way, it will be back to everyday. I'm really sorry guys! Anyway, here are two pics.... the second one is from last night. Everytime I look at the mirror I can't tell if I've lost weight at all... and I still dont have a proper set up, so my pictures arn't the greatest. Anyway, Sorry for the delay. Soon to be back on track... sorry guys :(

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