So, I got a second job and once that gets rolling I'm going to sign up for personal training. I have definitely noticed a difference in the girth of my arm, I can actually see the definition of my bicep now! I used to have a lot of flab around it and still have some where the tricep is, but when I'm doing my exercise I can see the tri pop when pushing it. Right now, I do 3x15 on everything I do:
90lb - crunch
150 - back
30 - bicep curl
40 - tricep
175 - leg press (need to start using a different machine, i get done and get up and am so light headed because of the pressure on the shoulders when I push!)
135 - calf raise
60 - row
70 - twist machine (?) (the machine that works love handles)
100 - inner thigh
90 - outer thigh
20 - chest press
30 - shoulder press
(are you getting I'm stronger on my bottom half !?!?)
and I think i've got everything covered.
I can't wait to get the training going, that way I can have specific things to work on and work out regime that works for me :)
Nice workout!
Good to see you putting alot of effort into it.
Shred on
Hey Jessie, how have you been doing? Are you still able to continue with your exercise and nutrition plan?
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