So, I got a second job and once that gets rolling I'm going to sign up for personal training. I have definitely noticed a difference in the girth of my arm, I can actually see the definition of my bicep now! I used to have a lot of flab around it and still have some where the tricep is, but when I'm doing my exercise I can see the tri pop when pushing it. Right now, I do 3x15 on everything I do:
90lb - crunch
150 - back
30 - bicep curl
40 - tricep
175 - leg press (need to start using a different machine, i get done and get up and am so light headed because of the pressure on the shoulders when I push!)
135 - calf raise
60 - row
70 - twist machine (?) (the machine that works love handles)
100 - inner thigh
90 - outer thigh
20 - chest press
30 - shoulder press
(are you getting I'm stronger on my bottom half !?!?)
and I think i've got everything covered.
I can't wait to get the training going, that way I can have specific things to work on and work out regime that works for me :)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Not sure what's been going on
Been taking it easy lately. I've been getting tired around 8:30, and most the time I dont leave work til 7. I think I'm coming down with something. Going to go to the gym tonight and see how I feel. But I took a long weekend. (Sat-Mon) Do arm lifts at home... but as far as anything strenuous... it tires me out real quick. I went to bed at 11:30 one of the nights after watching a movie, woke up at like 11, trying to get caught up, but when I woke up I was all groggy. Too much sleep? Its almost the same when I get less sleep though, but I feel tired all day. I'll get it figured out.. I had so much energy 1.5 weeks ago and now its gone for some reason!
Oh, and my appetite has drastically decreased. That started happening last week. All of a sudden I wasn't getting hungry every two hours... I only ate twice on Sunday. Making sure to get some food in first thing to hopefully start my metabolism... but I woke up at 11, and didn't eat again until 5. At that point I was fairly hungry, but I really wasn't hungry til then.
Oh, and my appetite has drastically decreased. That started happening last week. All of a sudden I wasn't getting hungry every two hours... I only ate twice on Sunday. Making sure to get some food in first thing to hopefully start my metabolism... but I woke up at 11, and didn't eat again until 5. At that point I was fairly hungry, but I really wasn't hungry til then.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Day 39 - BODY FAT %!!!!
As expected... I'm somewhere around 33% body fat.... I wonder what I was 39 days ago. The trainer last night told me it was possibly to achieve anything... even the penis lines I like so much... and Janet Jackson's 6-pk. awww yeah. I'm back on here everyday for sure... I accidently forgot my camera today though. so, I'll have to post two pictures tomorrow. I have to get back to work... but tomorrow I'll tell you guys more about my newly revised workout schedule. :)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Tough Crowd...
October 14, 2008
I'm feeling great guys.. I know I'm not posting a lot these days... but I still come back every 5 days or so to show you guys the update. Right now I'm working on killing my love handles. Penis lines would be amazing... or whatever you call them.... I'm going to start working out for two hours a day, not just one. Still have a lot of ground to cover by the time the holidays finally get here. :) I do a full routine everytime I work out. I hop on a bike to get my heart rate up and then I fly through the gym, doing triceps, biceps, back, stomach, chest, shoulders, thighs, calves, need to start doing hamstrings.... each one I do a few different exercises... so, if I spend a little bit more time at it, then hopefully I'll be good to go here soon.... ahhh yes. The sweet smell of sweat, and 40 shredded lbs... or maybe the weight isnt my biggest concern, but the image. How I look and feel. Anyway, I'm about to leave the office. still eating pretty good, even though I could use some improvements. Oh well. Alright, here I am! :D
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Day 32 - Confidence is good, feeling good!
October 8, 2008
You know. I love going to the gym. I probably freak people out cause if anyone who is there has muscle, I tend to look at them.......... a alot. And then I push myself harder in a way to get to a point where I look like the people I look at. It'll'll happen. Just gotta work hard and not give up! Anyway, here is yesterdays picture. Still not done with my project... but I've lost my fan base so I need to get back on with this. Trust me guys! I haven't given up! I swear! I have also printed out my very first picture, and my picture from Oct. 6 to compare and they are hanging up in my apt. I've decided to print a picture out every month. And put it right next to the last one. that way if I'm not noticing as much of a difference, I go at it even harder the next month... Shyeah! Anyway, here is this picture! Hope everyone is well! :D
Monday, October 6, 2008
Status Update
So, I haven't been at a computer pretty much for three days now. I am in the process of finding a second job so that I can pay for personal training. Considering openning a bar, or finding a job elsewhere. Really need to get with a trainer to get some real progress going. I don't feel as though I'm doing well enough on my own. And believe me, I still do the same working out. But I had a session, orientation session on Thursday and I was still feeling it yesterday (Sunday) when I woke up. Clearly the workout I can have with a trainer does more for my body than what I do. And here I was thinking that I was doing the same thing I would be doing with a trainer!!! Anyway. I've been at the gym 4-5 days a week so far. Unfortunately 4 days last week. I tried to go on Saturday. Got to the gym around 8:15, but when I walked to the entrance, the gate was down.... the gym closes at 8 on Saturdays and Sundays!!! Oh well. Now I know for future reference. I have been so absorbed with work that when I get here I don't think about blogging. Down to the end of project and getting everything ready to submit to the city.... busy time. Once I get this project out of the way, it will be back to everyday. I'm really sorry guys! Anyway, here are two pics.... the second one is from last night. Everytime I look at the mirror I can't tell if I've lost weight at all... and I still dont have a proper set up, so my pictures arn't the greatest. Anyway, Sorry for the delay. Soon to be back on track... sorry guys :(
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Day ? - Sorry gang!
October 1
Sorry guys, I kinda slacked off over the weekend because I was at work on saturday from 2-9 and then went to see burn before reading. and Sunday I spent all day cleaning my step mom's restaurant. Monday I was at the hospital at night after work because my ear infection was very painful. They gave me vicodin, so when I got home, I took one, and it made me so drowsy I just went to bed. And the real reason I kinda had a slack of weekend? (drum roll) Grey's Anatomy. I started the show, as in Season 1 Episode 1 last week on Tuesday and I am now on Season 3 Episode 15. I'm slightly addicted I would say. Yesterday though, I went for a bike ride and to the gym for about 1.5 hours. Back on track. Also, left my camera at work... not sure when the daylight picture was taken..... but the yellow picture was taken last night. Dad keeps on noticing that I am losing weight, so, I hope that I am! :) Anyway, sorry about not posting guys.... very very lazy on my behalf. Hope you all are doing great!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Day 19-20
September 25, 2008
Wasn't able to take a picture on the 19th day.... forgot my memory card at home. Oops! Anyway, here is the pic from the 20th day. So far I have been to the gym every day since I got the membership and plan to continue on this way until some real change is seen. Working on getting a personal trainer as well, but the money is a little tight to take on such an expense. But, I'm feeling good..... stronger, so thats good. Anyway, I'm still at the office and it just hit midnight... Think I might go home now. Did get a work out in already though! Just need to figure out what I need to eat in order to help the weight loss process!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Days 14-18- Slightly unproductive, but also productive!
I bet you are wondering why it was both unproductive, yet productive? Well, my mom came into town, so I didnt work out as much as i would have liked. BUT! yesterday, I rode OUT of town! As in, uphill rather than down! And, surprisingly, I did fairly well with it. And! Today, I got a gym membership! I was actually out the door to go work out when I remembered that I needed to write! Sunday night I did a more than normal work out, I suppose I will call it a super workout. That is where I work out for like 3 hours. But Anyway, super stocked about the gym! So, I'm going to go and will write more about that tomorrow! Hope you all are well! :D
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Day 12 - Once again, slightly exhausted
September 18, 2008
I feel as though I'm learning so much at my new job that I'm just brain dead by the end of the day. I sit around like a zombie. Anyway, needless to say, i did do some weight work last night....not much, but some. Well, how about this, enough to make it seem like i did something yesterday. Tonight is busy, and then this weekend my mom is going to be in town. I know I may fall of the train just a bit with her staying with me... but mentally I will be so annoyed I cant' give three hours to it anymore. Next week, Its on! OH! and Gold's Gym monthly fee is $20! $20! Heck ya! so, when I get paid again, I'm going to get myself signed up for that. That way I can have something more reliable than the bow flex, cause who knows when we will be done with the boat. (sorry bout the pic, didn't realize how blurry it was) Anyway, talk later bloggers! Also, I already have a decent idea of what I'm going to eat today, I've had 1 liter of water thus far, a clif bar, an energy, a ham and swiss sandwich, and later a clif bar, and a taco salad. I might have a drink or two though (going to happy hour with a friend)....will work out immediately after that, and then Mom's here! Okay, sweet guys! talk soon.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Day 11 - Err.... Feelin it from the day before....
September 17, 2008
Not feeling the soreness, but the tiredness of getting only 4hours of sleep. Needless to say, I did probably like 15 minutes of upper body weight lifting and called it a night. Because of this stint in working out, I plan to make up for it double time tonight. I am tired, but plan to leave a little bit early from work to go take a nap. However, I am fairly satisfied with this picture...
By the way, it seems as though you are supposed to keep a diary of what you eat. Well, for the record, I drink a lot of water, have 2-3 energy drinks a day (varying in brand and sugar-free or not sugar-free) two cliff bars a day, and for lunch either a panini, salad, or pasta. For dinner, (thankfully my step mom owns a korean restaurant) I have a small bit of food from her. Enough to keep me feeling like I'm not starving at the end of the night right before I go to bed. I'll start to keep a more up to date schedule of eating and when I eat. Then maybe that way I can control it better. Hope to talk to you guys soon! Thanks for the encouragement and checking me out! :D
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Day 10 - More sleep maybe? NAH!
Septmeber 16, 2008
Today, I'll be honest folks, I got off to a very late start. I got home, and I dont know if I've told you before or not, but the only time I really have to exercise is past 9:30 pm. Any other time and I'm afraid I'm too busy. But, last night, boy was I lagging! I got home and had to change a tire, then I got inside and just kinda sat around for awhile.... I was just about to go to sleep when I remembered I wanted to check out some youtube videos on the bowflex.... and once I started watching those, I said "That's it!" and I went down, grabbed an energy drink and got to work.... the bad thing, was that it was about 11:45pm. I played ddr for about 45 mins.... but last night I did a lot of weight work. I bunch of shoulder and chest presses, biceps, triceps, a few timed wall sits, lunges, I worked a wide range of things. I think that with that, I was so awake, that after I got done with my work out (lasted about 2.5 hours), I started to clean my apt while watching the rest of coach carter. I didnt get to sleep until about 4:15... AH! Right now, I'm feeling tired, but amazing at the same time!
Hopefully I will start to see some changes soon!
Monday, September 15, 2008
3-in-1 (Days 7,8,9)
wow! so, I think this may be how I do it from now on. Since I really can only post from the office. i will have to do a three day post at the beginning of the week. Here are the pics! So, the one where I dont have the crazy bed head is from friday. The one with the crazy painting behind me is from Saturday(this is with the crazy bed hair), and the yellow tinted is Sundays. And according to the difference between the Saturday and sunday photo.... I should take more photos of myself when I first wake up. My belly hasn't had the chance to "fall" yet...ha. I'll briefly talk about my work out last night. I played ddr for like 1.5 hours. This weekend at goodwill I went ahead and bought a bun and thighs trainer. Its like a roller and you control your rolling with your legs. I suppose that I would compare it to just your basic leg press but instead of pushing out you push up. So, I worked on my thighs and buttocks, and then worked my arms. I'm probably going to be making a bar for me to do dips on and sit ups, well leg ups. Not sure that is something you can make out of wood.... Gosh!! the boat is so close to being done, and then, my friends, welcome to the wonderful world of bowflex! Anyway, will post tomorrow! Cheers!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Day 6
September 11, 2008
Sorry guys, on friday I didn't have time to post the writing... I was running out of the office by the time I remembered to write one! But, I thought I would get a photo on here to show. So, this post come on Monday. This day, I'm sure I did the basic same exercises. Gosh, i suppose i need to take a physical copy of what I do rather than rely on memory. Hmmm.... Well, I may not be making noticeable differences, but I really do feel great! I feel....clean. Before I moved to Seattle, I was so lazy. My only work out happened when I went out and was dancing at the club. While drinking beer, so i suppose in the end, I really wasn't losing much weight at all... actually, I wasn't. Anyway, I can continue this sort of talk throughout the rest of the posts....
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Day 5
September 10, 2008
Today, I had a thought. The more you sweat, the harder your working out. So, i decided to see some even more noticeable results, I would sweat more. So I decided I would wear some fleece pants and a long sleeve shirt. Mind you, i am aware that this also just depletes your water supply rather drastically, i made sure to replenish my fluids when done. Same ol' workout of two bikes rides and an hour or so of ddr. Did do some bicep curls when done, but upon realized i had to drive back to my dads because i left my phone, i stopped the work out slightly earlier than normal.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Day 4
September 9, 2008
Today I wasn't so hardcore with working out... Felt a little bit tired today due to the increased work load, with working out, and working my day job. But, I did however ride my bike into work (35mins) and played ddr for about 35mins. I was at goodwill though and found a sale on vhs tapes. I got the entire tae-bo series that came out a few years ago. Got to get my VHS player up, and I will be picking that up pretty intensely. I plan to also get a gym membership here soon, even though dad has a bowflex..... Anyway, here is the picture, and more later!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Day 3
September 8, 2008
So, today I worked out a total of about 3 hours. I rode into work in the morning (about 35mins.), I rode home (these two events are going to happen almost everyday), and when I got home I played ddr for 1hr10mins. Dad is planning on getting our bowflex put together once we get done finishing our boat, the I can really concentrate on strength training. I also worked out my arms yesterday= 100 bicep curls, 50 shoulder flies, 50 tricep curls (all with 3lb.). I'm working more to tone myself up and then go from there, as I know I already have a lot of muscle.... (I have been termed the "walking muscle" by my brother and a few friends. Anyway, will post more later.
Monday, September 8, 2008
So, since I was new to RTP... I didnt know quite how to blog, I was just waiting to set up one on the site... Little did I know. So, I will start this blog with my first entry, or day, and then go to my second.
September 6, 2008
Today I found a website that I feel has a very interesting concept......"internet accountability"'s genius! I've decided to take on a even greater meaning to my weight loss mission than originally planned! Muuaahahahaha..... Was not sure what I weighed at the time of my picture, probably close to 190. I tend to play DDR... a lot, almost to a point where it is no longer a game, but a work out... that is my intent every time i play it. I went on two bike rides this day as well. All said and done, I worked out for about 3 hours. The top picture is the one I took on my first day (sorry the quality is horrible, I have to take the pictures myself....)...
September 7, 2008
Today, I rode my first ride up hill.... well, uphill for about 25 blocks. May not be a lot in the long run, or when I get to maximum endurance, 25 blocks will be nothing. Right now though, its a work out.... and boy does it feel good. I love the burn and the knowledge that I am finally pushing myself to do something that I absolutely, 100% want for myself. I've told my father that I am allowing myself to go mentally crazy over losing weight...its the only way I will be able to do it. :)
Hmmm... I'm going to have to figure out something so that my pictures will be more clear. Anyway, guys, keep me accountable! And Thanks! I will post every morning for the previous day. Cheers!
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